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GeoStudio 2023 and Slope 3D Analisis

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GeoStudio 2023.1 Release

Introduction to SLOPE3D - Analysis Definition 

Berikut adalah tahapan langkah analisis lereng dengan menggunakan GeoStudio 2023:

  1. Persiapan Data: Kumpulkan data yang diperlukan, seperti data geometri lereng, sifat-sifat tanah, dan kondisi hidrologi.

  2. Pembuatan Model: Buat model geometri lereng di dalam GeoStudio menggunakan modul SLOPE/W. Definisikan elemen-elemen geometri, seperti lereng, struktur pendukung, dan lapisan tanah.

  3. Karakterisasi Tanah: Tentukan sifat-sifat tanah yang relevan, seperti kekuatan geser, sudut geser dalam kondisi kering dan basah, dan parameter-parameter geoteknik lainnya.

  4. Definisi Beban: Tentukan beban-beban yang bekerja pada lereng, seperti beban hidrostatik, beban tanah, dan beban struktur.

  5. Analisis Stabilitas: Lakukan analisis stabilitas lereng menggunakan GeoStudio. Perhitungkan gaya-gaya yang bekerja pada lereng dan faktor keamanan stabilitas.

  6. Evaluasi Hasil: Evaluasi hasil analisis dan interpretasikan faktor keamanan yang dihasilkan. Faktor keamanan yang lebih besar dari 1 menunjukkan stabilitas lereng yang memadai.

  7. Penanganan Masalah: Jika hasil analisis menunjukkan masalah stabilitas, pertimbangkan langkah-langkah perbaikan atau penguatan yang diperlukan, seperti perbaikan tanah, pengendalian air, atau perubahan geometri lereng.

Berikut adalah beberapa tips dan trik yang dapat membantu dalam analisis lereng dengan GeoStudio 2023:

  • Pastikan data yang digunakan akurat dan representatif untuk mendapatkan hasil analisis yang lebih akurat.
  • Gunakan metode perbaikan tanah yang sesuai, seperti pemadatan tanah atau penggunaan material pengisi alternatif, untuk meningkatkan stabilitas lereng.
  • Perhatikan kondisi hidrologi yang dapat mempengaruhi stabilitas lereng, seperti tinggi muka air dan curah hujan.
  • Lakukan pemantauan terus-menerus terhadap lereng setelah konstruksi untuk memastikan stabilitas jangka panjang.

GeoStudio 2023.1


Requires maintenance through 2023-03-31 

Instalasi Hubungi : +6282231036047 

Patch (crack)

Instal Revit 2023 full version, Autocad Civil 3D 2023 Full version, Geostudio 2023 R1 Full Version, SAP 2000 v22, Leapfrog Geo 5.1, GeoScene3D, MICROMINE 11.0
Jasa Cloning software dan Multipe OS Portable support MBR dan GPT Partisi
Software Cloning and Portable Operating System Windows 11 ver.22H2 (Live OS Windows 11 Portable),

Introducing SLOPE3D


Leapfrog Interoperability for Geometry Definition


graphical user interface, chart

Set up the 3D geometry using Leapfrog geological models given the direct interoperability between Leapfrog and GeoStudio. Alternatively, import background meshes from a file, or build the domain using the 3D geometry creation tools available in GeoStudio.


Efficiently Define Slip Surfaces

graphical user interface, chart

Analyse potential failure zones with global (Cuckoo) and local (Entry and Exit) slip surface search methods. The Cuckoo slip surface search method provides time-savings when setting up a 3D stability analysis. This automatic search algorithm is useful for identifying areas of concern in large, complex systems. The Entry and Exit slip surface definition provides the same intuitive workflow as 2D, with the ability to collapse the grids to lines or points.

Analyse Soil and Rock Slopes

graphical user interface, chart

The comprehensive material model library can be used to capture the shear strength characteristics of rock and soil, including materials with faults, discontinuities, and bedding planes.


Evaluate the Influence of Weak Layers

graphical user interface, chart

Investigate the influence of weak layers and anisotropic material properties on the 3D factor of safety by importing a background mesh to define weak planes in SLOPE3D.


Investigate Pore Water Pressure Effects

graphical user interface, chart

Define pore water pressures using Ru, B-bar, or import a background mesh to represent the piezometric surface. When the 3D domain is created using the GeoStudio, pore water pressures from a 3D finite element seepage analysis (SEEP3D) can be used when computing the 3D stability.


Interrogate Slip Surface Results

graphical user interface, chart

Use multiple methods for interpreting the 3D stability results, including plotting graphs (e.g. factor of safety over sliding direction) and contouring sliding mass data such as shear strength, shear mobilized, or effective normal stress. Alternatively, inspect the slip surface search zone and modes of failure using the Colour Map functionality.


Easily Compare 2D and 3D Stability Results

graphical user interface, chart

Include 2D and 3D stability analyses in a single project file for quick results comparison. Alternatively, include multiple 3D geometries in one project to easily compare various scenarios.


Additional 3D Geometry Tools


Import OBJ Geological Model Volumes

graphical user interface, chart

Quickly generate the analysis geometry using external packages, other than Leapfrog, by importing clean, meshed geological model outputs in the OBJ file format.


Enhanced Heat Transfer Analysis


Updated Material Model

graphical user interface, chart

The simplified thermal material model implementation in TEMP/W and TEMP3D has been improved to better accommodate the change in properties during freezing/thawing conditions.


Instal Revit 2023 full version, Tekla 2020 full version, Geo Studio 2023 full version, SAP 2000 v22, Leapfrog Geo 5.1, GeoScene3D, MICROMINE 11.0
Jasa Cloning software dan Multipe OS Portable support MBR dan GPT Partisi
Software Cloning and Portable Operating System Windows 11 ver.22H2 (Live OS Windows 11 Portable),

Hubungi : +6282231036047

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